SexTech at Wear It Innovation Summit 2020
How is SexTech relevant and significant for the future of the digital health industry?
According to Stratistics MRC, the global sexual wellness market accounted for $39.42 billion in 2017 and is expected to grow at 13.4% to reach $122.96 billion by 2026.
The SexTech industry addresses sexual wellness issues and has a place within digital health. Once accepted in the realm of digital health products, the market potential for the SexTech industry is inestimable. Wear It Innovation Summit will hold a panel discussion of medical experts and SexTech pioneers to clearly unpack and explore SexTech’s relevance and significance for the future of digital health. Our hope for the SexTech industry is to see it flourish as a positively disruptive force within the digital health industry.
SexTech has successfully surmounted challenges relevant to all wearable technologies. For example, SexTech navigates IoT terrain to deliver reliable connectivity and desired performance between sensors and users. Despite taboos surrounding the industry, SexTech entrepreneurship has seized colossal turnovers and user acceptance. There is great public interest from nonusers, users, developers and investors alike. With an unrivaled value chain, SexTech stands confidently poised to spearhead a SexTech revolution.
Selected SexTech Speakers at Wear It Innovation Summit
Soumyadip Rakshit, CEO and Co-Founder of MysteryVibe Johanna Rief, Head of Communications at WOW Tech Group
We invite you to come listen to Soumyadip Rakshit, CEO and Co-Founder of MysteryVibe, and learn how he led the company turnover of $4 million within three years, establishing its present value at $13 million. Rakshit will be speaking at Wear It Innovation Summit and shares his vision for SexTech with us:
“I see SexTech as bringing the best in tech to make sex and pleasure better. The key to building great SexTech is to put Sex before the Tech.”
In light of SexTech’s huge market success within a short amount of time, it is important to give SexTech its due attention in the context of Europe’s leading conference on wearable technologies so that the industry can learn from SexTech’s success. Startups should look into SexTech because there is much potential in product development. Many devices look very similar and perform similar functions. With a little imagination, it is not difficult to enter and excel in SexTech development. At Wear It Innovation Summit we will feature exemplary SexTech products that are literally and figuratively shaping the future of SexTech. These pioneers have harnessed the best characteristics of wearable products to gain customer trust into their most intimate space. If one can make it there, one can make it anywhere!
The rewards are inestimably lucrative and the potentials go well beyond digital health. Sextech will give us new insights into sex education, fertility, erotic intelligence, and communication. Cindy Gallop, a social sex revolutionary spearhead and business innovator, confidently claims that it is the next trillion-dollar frontier. Gallop defines SexTech as:
Any form of technology or tech venture designed to innovate, disrupt and enhance in any area of human sexuality and sexual experience.
As an endnote, SexTech addresses a very relevant topic in society. We encourage curiosity and collaboration so that we may dignify human sexuality. Consequently, we hope to see open and honest conversations about sexuality become the norm. Visit our website to learn more about SexTech within digital health.