Re-FREAM Kick-Off
On October 7th, 2019 Wear It Berlin hosted the Re-FREAM Kick-Off to define a 9-month work plan for 10 artists in 3 co-creation Hubs: Berlin, Linz, and Valencia. Wear It Berlin is managing the Berlin Hub, where Fraunhofer IZM and 3 artists are cocreating emerging wearable technologies. Each of the 10 projects receives 55.000 EUR funding for creating innovative wearable concepts.
ABOUT Re-FREAM: Re-FREAM is a 4 million euro funded project by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 825647. Its purpose is to catalyst co-creation between scientists and artists in urban environments by offering facilitation services, access to know-how, technologies, and mentoring in order to co-explore the technology for the fashion of the future.

Meet our 3 Berlin projects:

We are excited to see the fruit of their labors in July 2020. Stay tuned for their midterm mark in February 2020.
The 2nd CALL for applications opens from July 2020 – September 2020!