
Event Recap: Data Harvesting: From Sensors to Artificial Intelligence

On 24th September 2020 at #wearitlive we talked about data harvesting and in the process learnt a lot about data privacy, monetization, safety and a lot in the world of wearables, healthcare and banking.

Quick Recap

Trust is very essential with sensitive healthcare data as Danny Van Roijen and the COVID scenario shows how bringing together data could be used for the public good.

Ritesh Jain talked about how monetization of data is being done with cheap data storage and an abundance of data around us. He also talked about open banking and how the data is used.

There is a huge responsibility with the data aggregators and this becomes more important with medical data as per Stephen Cory Robinson. There was an incident in the past where the hospital did the surgery of the wrong person based on wrong patient data.

Stéphanie Gauttier, PhD emphasized the importance of wearables in hospitals for nurses & doctors towards facilitating better patient care and creating an efficient process within the hospital infrastructure.

Also, we had two amazing startups: ZyseMe and Yoona Technology. The start-up format was powered by Projekt Zukunft Berlin

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