Our highlights of January 2021
A huge Happy New Year from Wear It Berlin! After a year that wasn’t exactly what we expected, we are welcoming 2021 with open arms and are ready to hit the ground running with an exciting catalogue of new projects and events.
Jumping straight into our first event
This year’s first Wear It Live event is Fashion Tech: bridging the gap between material and electronics development and fashion innovation. In this event, we invite experts from all related fields of fashion and technology to discuss the future of digital fashion and dive into the world of smart textiles. It will take place on 21 January 2021 at 6pm-7.30pm CET. Register now!

Kicking off the Re-FREAM project
Re-FREAM is a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme. Hereby, we as Hub Berlin give away 55,000 Euros to each of our artists. Through this initiative, successful applicants work closely with scientists to revolutionise how the fashion industry manufactures its products. The goal is to create inclusive and sustainable processes and aesthetics that will change the future of fashion. We are thrilled that we as managers of Hub Berlin will kickoff three projects on 12th of January 2021, and facilitate a number of sessions between the Art & Tech teams. Three artists have been selected to co-create in Hub Berlin, together with scientifical partners from Fraunhofer IZM, Profactor, Empa and Stratasys.
Get to know the scientifical partners:

Stratasys Academy Fraunhofer IZM EMPA Profactor
Get to know the Berlin artists:
- Anke Loh: She develops innovative upgrades to smart textiles by integrating the next generation of sensory embroidered technology to empower people in their personal space.
- Jan Wertel: His idea is to create a fashion item that confuses the Artificial Intelligence integrated in nowadays CCTV’S in an active way, thus making the wearer virtually invisible.
- Malou Beemer: The Dutch designer reshapes the relation between us and our clothing by integrating body language and non-verbal behaviour into the design process, making fashion design more interactive.

Malou Beemer Jan Wertel Anke Loh
Make Your Own Wearables (MYOW)
We are super excited to introduce some updates about a project we have been a part of for over a year – MYOW (Make your own wearables). It connects designers, makers, service providers, and manufacturers and supports the design, prototyping, and creation of innovative wearables. It includes an interactive web-based application and a match-making system to assist wearable designers in finding materials and technologies that are important to meet specific consumer requirements.
Wear It Berlin works closely with a range of German partners (including companies, universities of applied sciences, and research centres) to deliver MYOW. Visit MYOW on Instagram for weekly updates!

Stay tuned for February
The next Wear It Live event will take place on 4th of February 2021 and it tackles the topic of Sustainability in Tech. This event will look at the role of wearable and close-to-body technologies in making the fashion and textile industries sustainable into the future. More information to come.