Event Recap: Wearables at work: PPE
On 22nd October 2020 #wearitlive had a sneak peek into the PPE industry and how wearables are making the work environment safer and efficient.
Key takeaways:
Smart PPE has been around for a few years, and big corporations like Siemens and Bosch Mobility Solutions are already investing in it. Siemens already has a product called #Safewatch which will be ready by 2021 as per Philipp Wehn.
PPE wearables operate through the connectivity between the smart wearables, the biometrics and the centralised cloud network. Heidi E. Lehmann from Kenzen emphasized on the importance of product design and user comfort. It is one of the key deal-breaker for mass acceptability by the users.
Smart PPE clothing is already being used in the oil, gas and mining fields to monitor a user’s temperature to ensure they are not overheating. Elsa Kosmack Vaara from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden also shared her insights on how difficult it is to use such wearables in the steel industry.
#Trust and #datatransparency are the key factors that motivate people to use smart wearables as per the research of João Barata.?
#protectionsociale #safetywear #wearabletechnology #wearitlive #PPE