Wearables and Fashiontech Show at CeBIT 2018
Flashback: Wear It Berlin set up and directed the Wearable Tech Show of the “Make Light” initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) shows the potential of photonics for makers, companies and especially start-ups. Germanys Minister of Education Anja Karliczek kicked of the show on the big center stage.
The show gave an outlook and stimulates with innovative ideas and approaches to participate in the innovation process. Since 2012, the BMBF has systematically promoted the interdisciplinary cooperation between photonics research, the maker scene and the creative industry with the initiative “Make Light”.
Artists and technologists presenting: Joanna Hir, Zsófia Lévai, Rudolf Arnold, Fraunhofer IZM, Fraunhofer ETB, POPKALAB, Veronika Aumann, Moon Berlin , Layla De Mue, Funkelfetisch, Jan Thar and Skarabeos