Jens Grudno

Philipp G. Schwarz

Philipp loves Sport (Dragonboat, Rowing, Football, etc.), Technik (Flapping Foil Propulsion, Electro Muscle Stimulation) and StartUps (getyourcar, m-broker, motonautic, Abschlusszeit, Wearable Life Science). He is...
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Tristan Zuerl

Tristan Zuerl studied at the University of Bayreuth Engineering Science (B.Sc.) and Automotive and Mechatronics (M.Sc.) and specialized in the development of electronics in combination...
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Max Ostermeier

Max is co-founder and CEO of Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH. He has extensive experience in the commercial development of technologically advanced products, in building operational...
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Jim McCann

Jim McCann is an Assistant Professor in the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute. He is interested in systems and interfaces that operate in real-time and build...
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