Philipp Miehlich

General Manager Business Unit OEM at VARTA Microbattery

Philipp Miehlich

General Manager Business Unit OEM at VARTA Microbattery


Philipp Miehlich started his career as an accomplished Radio- and TV-Technician for seven years before studying Economics & Electronics. In 1986 he joined former Philips Signetics Corporation. In 1991 he joined VARTA Batterie AG (now VARTA Microbattery GmbH) and has held various Key Product and Sales Management positions. Since 2009 he is General Manager of the Business Unit OEM.

No Wearables without Energy

We are currently facing a strong growth in the wearables technology sector. Fitness and health applications approach new designs and technologies. How can these devices be powered by innovative cell technology? Can power become invisible?