Manan Patel

Growth Accelerator at Ocean Protocol

Manan Patel

Growth Accelerator at Ocean Protocol


Manan Patel has a total experience of 10+ years in IT industry. Manan wore many hats of a Java developer, NodeJs Developer, QA developer, Automation Consultant, Module Lead, Blockchain Developer and now Blockchain Solutions Architect.

Also, Manan’s past work had been in various domains like Financial Markets, Health care, Finance Services, Life Sciences and Telecom. Manan has worked on architectures like monolithic, SOA and recently Microservices.

Manan Patel is Growth Accelerator at Ocean Protocol. Ocean Protocol unlocks the value of data.

Data owners and consumers use Ocean Market app to publish, discover, and consume data in a secure, privacy-preserving fashion. OCEAN holders stake liquidity to data pools.

Developers use Ocean libraries to build their own data wallets, data marketplaces, and more.

All sessions by Manan Patel