Isabel Berz

Head of Design

Isabel Berz

Head of Design


Isabel is the Head of Design at Innovation Lab / IED Spain. Since 2015 Isabel has created and developed innovation projects at the intersection of Design, Fashion, Craft and Technology, in collaboration with corporate, private and public entities from all over the globe.

Worth Partnership Project (EU Cosme), Re-FREAM Rethinking Fashion (EU Horizon), S4Fashion (EU Cosme) are some of the European funded projects her department participates in. Isabel is also the founder and director of the LAS MANUELAS project since 2012, recently awarded with the BID20 prize, where she and many collaborators explore the balance between aesthetic and ethical domains, seeking intelligent and beautiful solutions by developing a collaborative methodology between artists and artisans.

Previously, in 2006, she took on the role of Head of the IED Madrid Fashion School after a ten year experience of launching her own fashion label – Isabel Berz- worldwide. Isabel ?s career is based on creating new ways of doing things, radical experimentation, which result in new concepts, processes and ways of thinking and approaching hybrid contexts through creativity. Her professional portfolio includes the projects: Redefining Craft in the XXI Century, Guantanamo Museum, IED Moda Lab Madrid, Las Manuelas, Co-Design Platform, thecraftplatform, IED Fashion Maker Space, RECODE Fashion …

All sessions by Isabel Berz