Iain Cameron McIntyre

CEO and Co-founder at Humm

Iain Cameron McIntyre

CEO and Co-founder at Humm


Iain McIntyre is a passionate entrepreneur with an addiction to learning and an unhealthy habit for taking on ‘impossible’ problems.

As CEO of humm he leads their radical vision, to translate the frontiers of neuroscience into user-friendly products that redefine what’s possible and allow people to live better, more engaged lives. humm’s first product is a bio-electric memory patch that accelerates learning by modulating the electrical currents of the brain.

Iain started his career split between law, astrophysics and several entrepreneurial ventures at the University of Western Australia and left his studies unfinished in order to co-found humm. Those pursuits all centred on the notion of wonder and deep engagement with the world around him. Neuro-stimulation became a passion when he saw the power to help people become their best selves.