Boudewijn Wisse

CTO at Laevo

Boudewijn Wisse

CTO at Laevo


Boudewijn Wisse – CTO at Laevo. Boudewijn Wisse is MSc in Industrial Engineering and graduated cum-laude at the Delft University of Technology in 2005.

As a national coach in fencing, he’s always been interested in stretching the boundaries of human motion and capacity. This can also been seen in in his work as an investor in the Blue Sparrows Medtech Fund and in the entrepreneur in both Laevo and InteSpring were technology is truly augmenting people.

Boudewijn has the vision to increase the Quality of Life of the many by using the latest available smart technologies and can be seen a one of the leading expert in the field of exoskeletons.

All sessions by Boudewijn Wisse

Start-Up Pitches

09 Sep 2021