Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer

Professor at Hochschule Niederrhein

Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer

Professor at Hochschule Niederrhein


Professor Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer teaches and performs research on smart textiles at Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. Her interest in smart textiles arose during her Master studies and she deepened her knowledge on this discipline during her PhD research at Ghent University. Later, she applied her knowledge when leading the working group smart textiles at the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen. Her research activities are published in over 50 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.

Trends in Textile Electronics

Heating garments, shirts with integrated sensors and light emitting textiles are just a few examples in the field of smart textiles. The variety of these textiles constantly increase and current market forecasts are very promising. This talk will give an overview of trends in textiles with electronic functions highlighting products, research initiatives as well as factors influencing trends in this field.