Andrea Ehrmann

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Andrea Ehrmann

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Born 1972 in Grevenbroich, I studies physics in the RWTH Aachen University where I also did my first PhD. After ten years in textile research (Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences) and a second PhD, I am working as professor for physics and measurement technology now in Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences.

Monitoring vital signs with smart textiles – challenges and chances

Intelligent textiles are able to dectec external influences and partly even respond to them. They can be used to measure vital signs, such as pulse frequency, ECG, breathing frequency, skin temperature, sweating, etc. Conductive textiles which can be used as ECG electrodes, breathing sensors, data transmission lines, or the like, should be washable, abrasion resistive and reliable during use.
The presentation gives an overview of different possibilities to create textile vital sign sensors and to use conductive yarns for data transmission. The challenges of washability and durability are addressed as well as possibilities to insert conductive yarns with low elongation into stretchable fabrics, such as underwear. Finally, some still unresolved problems are depicted, together with ideas how to overcome them.