Smart Material Fashion Tech Challenge

Fashion Hack Day Satellite Event in 2 days
at Munich Fabric Start hostet by Wear It Berlin

You as a fashion tech designer are warmly invited to show off your skills and ideas to a high class audience of professionals of the fashion and textile industries!

The selected fashion tech designers compete in a friendly environment to come up with a convincing prototype. It should combines fashion design with an technology apporach and focus on the material aspect of the design. During 2 days your ideas evolve and gradually a prototype is being developed. There will be a mood wall that makes your progress visible and the chance also to present yourself as an artist during the whole event.



That´s in It for you:

  • An artist compensation of € 300 for the two days of competition
  • A selection of materials / machines and a
    booth at Munich Fabric Start
  • Chance to present yourself as an artist during the event



  1. Let´s talk: Where´s your idea going?
    What do you need? Gathering thoughts and inspirations.
  2. Preparing a basic Mood Board that we can display on event and that will grow over the time
  3. Prepare the booth and mood wall on Aug 29.
  4. Start working on your idea Aug 30. until Aug 31.
  5. Small presentations in between and at the end
    of your process


preperation day:
August 29.

Aug 30.  – Aug 31.

Munich Fabric Start,
Hall 5 Keyhouse
Booth #10

MOC Munich Order Center
Lilienthalallee 40
D – 80939 Munich (North)


Apply Now

Munich Fabric Start

MUNICH FABRIC START is the first of Europe’s leading fabric trade fairs. The most recent fabric and accessories developments for all segments are showcased at this global sourcing platform.

The new KEYHOUSE serves as innovative hub for new technologies, future fabrics, bionomics and macro trends. The most important cutting-edge innovations showcased at MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE are pooled in a spotlight and link the different segments. Explore the future at a glance – with the latest developments of high-tech and innovative fibres, fabrics, additionals up to finished garments, valuable processing and information services.

Learn more and tickets for your audience here:
