
hessnatur Stiftung kicks off the Sustainability Track with inspiring Keynote

Hessnatur Stiftung is an institute for applied sustainability which aims at fundamentally changing the basic concepts and experimental practices of the textile industry: “In the near future textile companies won‘t be able to conduct business without transparency and thorough knowledge along their entire supply chains.“ – hessnatur Stiftung

Sustainability was again one of the Focus Topics that attracted a high number of attendees at Wear It Innovation Summit because of the increasing demand of the market and stakeholders. The second conference day had Sustainability as one of the highlights and was kicked off with an inspiring Keynote by Carolin Klipper, Head of Consulting at hessnatur Stiftung.

“In the near future textile companies won‘t be able to conduct business without transparency and thorough knowledge along their entire supply chains.“ – hessnatur Stiftung

The key core of sustainability is the belief of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Hessnatur Stiftung is developing a tool for designing an individual, holistic definition for sustainability from the Product, Brand and Consumer point of view.

Carolin Klipper’s Keynote was followed by other pioneers in the field of sustainable product development: Aniela Hotink, who talked about the potential of BIO Materials and sustainable production technologies, Karin Fleck who presented Biogenicdyes as an interesting alternative to synthetic dyes, and Danielle Keller who showed how sustainability can create an added value in the jewellery industry.

The initiator behind the events is Wear It Berlin GmbH, a Berlin-based rapid product development agency that works for clients like Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, H&M, Stihl or Elten Shoes.

Picture credits: Michael Wittig